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Eating Crab |
Cleaning and De-Boning Fish |
Thank you again for your wonderful letter! I am so excited about the temple in the
Philippines!!!!! I actually just heard about it last night from Sister Anderson in the mission home. I know that the church truly is growing here in the
Philippines and I love it! It is so good to hear that there were too many people at the stake temple day! That means that a lot of people are going and we still need more temples! I love it!
So about the work! Last night was a hard night. We found out at the last minute that I won’t be working in Candelaria, I will be staying in Barra!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!! Sister Arrieta and I both went to the mission home and I got to see Sister Clave and all the missionaries that are leaving and then we ate dinner in the mission home. Then I had to say my last good bye to Sisters Arrieta and Clave!!!
Sister Andreasen and Sister Arrieta |
Sister Clave and Sister Andreasen |
It was so hard but I am happy for them and am so happy for all that they have taught me to help me be a better missionary. As I was crying at the mission home President Anderson gave me a hug and told me that I will be training this coming transfer. So I know that I will be getting my "Anak" that is what they call it when you train and the trainer is called "Nanay" which means child and mother. I am nervous but excited too!!!
But for right now we just got back to Lucena. Me and my temporary companion Sister Juntong slept in the apartment of the
San Pablo sisters and so that was fun. Now we will work here in Barra to keep up with our investigators and I am so happy. Sister Juntong is still pretty new, her trainer just went home too. She will get her follow up at transfer day which is nice because I get a little bit of practice before I train!
Our investigators keep progressing but not all of them are coming to church and that is hard especially the ones that live in Ranzohan because it is far and they have to take a little boat. We just keep faith that they will develop enough faith to go to church even if it is hard.
We also had one great investigator her name is Cathy and she loves the message and wants to be taught but the people that she lives with don’t want us in their house so she is afraid to listen while they don’t have their own home. So we are working on helping them.
Then we have a great investigator Abby she is only 9 she is living with her aunt and her cousin will be baptized this October and so we are teaching them both together even though Neriza is a child of record, so I am excited for their baptism and also the baptism of Andrea. She is awesome and she really has a desire to learn the truth I love her so much!!!! She is the one that says she never wants to miss a Sunday!!! Then we reopened Talao-Talao which was good and so we are excited to go back but we can’t go back until next week because we have transfers and General Conference.
We also have investigators Lani and Rodel who are great but the only problem is we are having trouble with Brother Rodel's birth certificate so they can get married so they can be baptized! So I hope it all goes through!
I am so excited for the new challenges I have ahead and I know that Sister Arrieta was my companion to help prepare me to train. I love the area and I love the people. I have developed an even greater desire to work work work and teach as many people as we can!
I know that this message is true and that we have the responsibility to take it to all people! I am so blessed to be able to take it full-time to the people in the Barra area!
Thank you so much for the cd of the young women 2010, all my companions love it too! It is so inspiring! I know I am a daughter of God and I want all people to realize their divine nature and potential!
I am excited for conference! I have so many questions and I know that they will be answered as I study pray and listen to the spirit through General Conference. I am so excited but I know it will make this week go by fast as well. Time is just flying and I know it is because I love the work! I just want to do my best everyday so that I can help as many people as I can and so I can do the Lord’s will!!!!
I know that I will have new challenges and struggles and I know that if I take them I can turn them into things that will help me learn and grow. The key is to just stay positive! There is a quote I like and know will give me strength "fear not, only be believing" I know that is what I need to do. I am excited for the chance to grow.
I love you all so very much!!!! I love hearing about your lives and how things are changing and people are growing! Please send pictures again soon!
I love the work and I love you all but most of all I love my Father in Heaven and Savior Jesus Christ!!!
Love, Sister Andreasen