Sunday, July 10, 2011
Leaving the Philippines and Homecoming - March 23, 2011
So it is the final days up till I got home. This is how I felt…
We had a career workshop I went to my old area because it was at my old building, which was weird. It was fun and weird haha. You feel like this isn’t a very good P-day and how you should be getting ready for the work they rest of the week. Then you remember that you won’t be doing in more work like you did. The workshop was fun and we got to say good-bye to the sweet senior sisters! We also got to go to Ramzi one last time. Haha.
They give hats to all the missionaries who are leaving. I do love that I was able to serve in San Pablo so it means something to me. J
Then we went back to the mission home and had dinner and an FHE that was wonderful and then we all bore testimony and I was first which means I just ended up crying the whole time from the beautiful words of missionaries who love the work and are having a hard time dealing with good-bye. It was a wonderful experience! How I love my fellow missionaries and especially my beloved mission president and his wife!!!
Then President did some farewell interviews, I was supposed to get mine but didn’t that night. He asked me if we could do it in the morning. So that night we had nice warm! Showers. Wow! Haha. And of course we couldn’t sleep so I had a good talk with all the sisters. The next day we were off to the temple so we had to get some sleep. I decided to wake up early and do my interview early before I put on any make-up because I knew I would be crying. I was interviewed by president and he just told me what a great job I had done and how much he loves me.
He gave me my certificate of honorable release and had me read it. I was already crying but as I read that certificate I couldn’t help but sob just after the first line, “You are honorably released from your sacred calling…” it was so hard to hear! President smiled, laughed, and cried at my tears and I will never forget his sweet uplifting words to me! How blessed I truly am to have meet and been inspired by all the wonderful people I know from San Pablo Mission!
They give hats to all the missionaries who are leaving. I do love that I was able to serve in San Pablo so it means something to me. J
Then we went back to the mission home and had dinner and an FHE that was wonderful and then we all bore testimony and I was first which means I just ended up crying the whole time from the beautiful words of missionaries who love the work and are having a hard time dealing with good-bye. It was a wonderful experience! How I love my fellow missionaries and especially my beloved mission president and his wife!!!
Then President did some farewell interviews, I was supposed to get mine but didn’t that night. He asked me if we could do it in the morning. So that night we had nice warm! Showers. Wow! Haha. And of course we couldn’t sleep so I had a good talk with all the sisters. The next day we were off to the temple so we had to get some sleep. I decided to wake up early and do my interview early before I put on any make-up because I knew I would be crying. I was interviewed by president and he just told me what a great job I had done and how much he loves me.
He gave me my certificate of honorable release and had me read it. I was already crying but as I read that certificate I couldn’t help but sob just after the first line, “You are honorably released from your sacred calling…” it was so hard to hear! President smiled, laughed, and cried at my tears and I will never forget his sweet uplifting words to me! How blessed I truly am to have meet and been inspired by all the wonderful people I know from San Pablo Mission!
Then we traveled to the temple. It was a good trip with the other missionaries. Then when we got there I was able to see Sis. Arrieta and her fiancé and Sis. Clave!! It was a great reunion!
We all had lunch and then went to the temple! What a blessing! Going through the temple again! I love it so much the spirit that come from do work for the living and the dead is so astonishing! The temple was beautiful and it will always be one of my favorites!
I traveled to the hotel with Sisters Tuifua and Gepiga, it was fun! We had a good night trying to make sure that we could get everything to fit the weight limits haha. Then we had a morning of good-byes and I met up with Sis. Adams and another sister I met in the MTC and we had the same flights so we were able to talk in the airport. The flights were long and no sleep could be found. I was heart broken and excited! I talked to some guys, who to be honest looked a little scary, they were older and in a big band group. It just goes to show once again that you can’t judge by looks because they were very nice. I sat by one and we talk about the church, he has a lot of friends who are members and has even read the Book of Mormon but doesn’t want to change. He was very nice though!
We all had lunch and then went to the temple! What a blessing! Going through the temple again! I love it so much the spirit that come from do work for the living and the dead is so astonishing! The temple was beautiful and it will always be one of my favorites!
I traveled to the hotel with Sisters Tuifua and Gepiga, it was fun! We had a good night trying to make sure that we could get everything to fit the weight limits haha. Then we had a morning of good-byes and I met up with Sis. Adams and another sister I met in the MTC and we had the same flights so we were able to talk in the airport. The flights were long and no sleep could be found. I was heart broken and excited! I talked to some guys, who to be honest looked a little scary, they were older and in a big band group. It just goes to show once again that you can’t judge by looks because they were very nice. I sat by one and we talk about the church, he has a lot of friends who are members and has even read the Book of Mormon but doesn’t want to change. He was very nice though!
Then I finally got off the plane and it was a long process to go through customs and I’m sure seemed even longer knowing that my family was waiting right around the corner.
I came out and there they all were with signs and smiles! I started running up the slop with my big cart of luggage it was so good to be able to embrace the wonderful family who has made me who I am! They all have made me better and so in a why they have all lift a little mark in the Philippines! I loved my mission! It changed my life in so many ways and made me into a much better person! I will forever have the Philippines and all the people I love from PSPM in my heart!
I came out and there they all were with signs and smiles! I started running up the slop with my big cart of luggage it was so good to be able to embrace the wonderful family who has made me who I am! They all have made me better and so in a why they have all lift a little mark in the Philippines! I loved my mission! It changed my life in so many ways and made me into a much better person! I will forever have the Philippines and all the people I love from PSPM in my heart!
So now I have been home for a while and I miss the mission, I think I always will but I strive each and everyday to be an example for all the people that I have taught, met, and who have influenced my life! The mission will forever be a part of who I am!!!!
Last Week in the Field - March 21, 2011
This was my last week of service and it was bitter sweet. My last P-day was spent with a bunch of missionaries.
We had extras because we had the companions of some who had to go renew their visas. So I was with a bunch of Pinyos! Haha J
After that we went to the Kawit family for dinner and we were able to talk to Bro. Kawit a little even though he is still trying to resist.
We had extras because we had the companions of some who had to go renew their visas. So I was with a bunch of Pinyos! Haha J
After that we went to the Kawit family for dinner and we were able to talk to Bro. Kawit a little even though he is still trying to resist.
So in the work this week we were able to teach the son of Sis. Tess! That was exciting I feel like each time we go to their home we get to teach more and more of their family! He seems really interested! We had a great lesson with Olive and Jemuel! We taught about Joseph Smith and the Spirit was so strong! Then Tatay Lino!!!! J He is still going strong! I love him so much!!! They all committed to go to church on Sunday so I am really excited!
We had our district meeting on Tuesday and I had to give the lesson. I talked about enduring JOYFULLY to the end! I talked about how important this work is and how sometimes it gets hard but each day is amazing and wonderful!!!! I cried! I know shocker! Haha. I just love the work and I find so much joy in it I never want it to stop!
We had zone interviews on Wednesday and that was great and uplifting. It was funny, President had an interview with me, even though I will be getting another one in a few short days. He said he doesn’t want me to miss out on my last zone interview. He asked me if I was ready and I cried :/ he told me that I have done a great job and he wishes that he could have more missionaries like me. It was really hard to realize that he was saying good-bye a little bit.
Anywoo, back to the work! We went and a lot of the people that we wanted to see were not home but it was okay because we found some new people so that when I leave there will still be a lot of people to teach here J
On Saturday we were able to have a great spiritual experience and the half day mission of the office elders. We met a lot of members who are less active and they committed to come to church so that was great!
I was able to see Bro. Edwin. I don’t know if you remember him but we taught him and then he was never home but we were able to continue to teach his wife Lian. Then the day we were going to commit her for baptism she told us that her husband doesn’t want us to come anymore, well her son told us because she was too embarrassed to come out. We weren’t able to see her since but we kept going by. Then we found out that their youngest son was in the hospital. We only got to talk with Bro. Edwin for a short time but we were able to tell him how sorry we were and how we want to help if we can in any way, so I hope that it softens his heart, because they are a great family and I feel that one day they will except the gospel as a family!
Saturday I was able to go to a member’s house and I was able to become a true Pinoy! Meaning I road a Carabao!!!! Yay! It was so much fun. A little scary when it started moving around but I loved it and I really did feel like I was becoming more like these wonderful people. Hehe.
I went to church on Sunday and only Michelle came. That was a little hard because I had such high hopes! I had to get up and bear my testimony and it was so hard to look in to the eyes of these wonderful people that I love so much and tell them good-bye! My heart just ached! I love them so much and they will always be a reason that I am a better person! I love them so much! I was doing okay until we got on the jeepney and I had to leave my area!!! I got to the mission home full of tears but happy to see my batch J I finally got it together and then the APs said they were taking my companion back then I had to say good-bye! She is so sweet! I know she is worried but I know she will be amazing!!! I am leaving my last area in good hands.
When I walked in the mission office there was some mail for me and then the office elders said they had something for me, it was flowers from Sis, Tacbobo! She is so sweet! I love her so much and it was so hard not to be able to see her again before I leave. She would always put flowers in my hair and she gave me a bouquet of flowers before I went home.
We had dinner and then just got ready for Monday, our last “P-day”. It is going to be a really good, hard last days!!!
I love the work I love you all and I will see you soon!
Love, Sister Andreasen
Monday, March 14, 2011
Last Letter From The Philippines - March 14, 2011
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This is the way we wash our clothes. |
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Sweet Nanay! |
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Do we have enough seat belts? |
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Yummy Coconut |
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Good Times! |
I love you all!
First off I just want to let you know that the tsunami had no effect on us here. I am perfectly fine. I don’t know a lot about what happened but yes we did hear about it. From the things that they said it just sounds so sad! It just made me think that these really are the last days and we need to be prepared! How grateful I am to have the gospel and the opportunity to share it with others. The gospel is a way to gain eternal life, happiness in the life to come, so it means that this life won’t always be happy. I know that it is going to get hard and it is going to get scary but even in uncertain times we have the peace that comes from the loving comfort of our Father in Heaven and Savior Jesus Christ!
I am so glad that you got my package and yes I did get pearls, one of each color hehe. But if you just want to wait we can organize it when I get home. The animals I'm not sure what I will do with them. They were given to me so yeah I don’t know yet but I love them. Is there enough Liahonas for me to have one too? If not its okay.
So I am loving the work and just trying to do my best up to the very last. It is hard to think that it is only one more week!!! I am going crazy. I feel like my mind knows but my heart hasn’t caught up yet. I think it will break when I leave! But I have been thinking that it is like a transfer. Every transfer has been hard, some more than others, but I have always seen why the Lord needs me to transfer and I have met new people that I love. So I know that this will be the hardest "transfer" but I also know that it too is the plan of the Lord and I just need to follow the spirit and trust in his guiding hand! I know that this is a good thing. I just need to be ready to listen to His will for me.
I love you!!! That is one thing I am truly excited for to see all your loving faces once again!!! This email is so weird because I know it is the last.
I just want you to know that the work is still moving forward! I love the work. We have been working so hard to get Sister Tess to come to church! And this week she came!!!! I am so happy!!!! She is so amazing! I gave her some church clothes and I was so happy when she wore them to church this Sunday!!! I love the gospel andI know that it blesses the lives of the people who truly try to apply what they learn from it!
I know that is also what I need to do, apply all that I learned from the mission. I know that this is one of the biggest blessings in my life! I am excited to see all your shinning faces at the airport!! :) I will continue to work hard until that time!
I love you all so much!!! See you soon!Love, Sister Andreasen!
P.S. I tried to send pictures but I don’t think they will all go through. When I come home na lang. :)
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