Wow! Okay so I have a week left today and you know me I'm freaking out! Haha. Anywoo so I got my flight plans! I leave Salt Lake at 8:25 pm and then leave LAX at 11:25pm then I got to Taiwan and I will be there on the fourth of November weird then we leave there at 9:30 am and get to manila at 11:45 am then I take a bus all the way to San Pablo which should be fun :/ haha.
Goodbye MTC and Provo Temple
I am traveling with almost all the missionaries in three districts, the manila missionaries leave before us but we meet back up in Taiwan. It’s three districts so I think that is about 36 people. I have 4 missionaries that I am "travel leader" for, I just have numbers and call incase of a problem, they are the San Pablo Elders I sent a pic you should get it soon. They are way nice and said they would watch over me. So I have to assign companions and Elder Muller and Elder Hansen will be my companions to the trip to the Philippines because it is by mission then and I’m the only sister. San Pablo Missionaries
Elders Hansen, Muller, Johnson and Harris
So we learned a lot about luggage and I’m a little worried. Delta might charge $50 for the second bag and my carryon can only be 15 pounds on Eva which is from LA on. So I might have to send a lot of stuff home I’m not sure how I’m going to work that out. Any tips? Well I know it will be crazy but we will make it! Yay! I can’t believe I’m leaving.I know it’s a huge shocker but I have already cried about it like 3 times haha. It’s good cry. Just excited and I’m going to miss everyone from the MTC but it will be great and I am excited to get teaching!
Thank you for everything that you have done for me and continue to do for me I love you and thank my Heavenly Father for you each day!
The spirit at the MTC is strong and I will miss that but I have learned so much here about myself and about life and about the gospel. I just want to improve everyday and come closer to the lord and do what he would have me do.
My Desk at the MTC
So I’m glad you enjoyed TOFW I was confused about what that was for a second haha. I love the joke about Michael McLean’s son! haha! I miss you all. It made me laugh so hard! Really! haha. Oh and Kenneth Cope! I’m so jealous! You know that’s my favorite song! I love it! That is funny that he reminded you of dad. I miss him. The other day one of the "senior" couples I put that in " " because your not old! But I told the wife your shoes are cute and the husband said oh thank you! It reminded me of dad because that is something cute and cheesie he would do! haha. I love you dad!
So cute about the kids and their programs! I love it! So I sent pics of Kevin and Adam and I forgot to send the doubles I have of Kevin and some of the missionaries in his district. I wanted to send it but then I thought they moved so it would be silly I don’t know. haha.
Anyhoo life at the MTC is fun and crazy! And I don’t know how I’m going to leave and I just know that the Lord will have to strengthen me because I cant talk to the Filipinos without his help! It will be amazing!
The Classic Picture at the Map
So I don’t have a lot of time because we have more to do today then ever we have one last p-day but that is the day we leave! I’m just trying to study hard and get prepared.
Sometime will you send me an English copy of the general Conf. Ensign? I know you will have to send it to the Philippines and I’m sorry but I think the only ones we get are the Tagalog ones I will see and let you know if that changes.
So I’m really excited!!!!! That is kinda my life right now at the MTC.
Oh we are hosting again this Wed! So last time and its nuts we also get roommates but it will be for about 5 days. But that is going to be nuts because we are used to a room of three and we will all be packing! It will work out though I’m excited because it is a group of three like us!
Well I hope everyone is doing well. I should be sending a letter out to Kristy and Heather before I leave I just sent one to grandma. And then Jill and Tom get one too. Thank you for the package by the way it was nice! Haha shared with my comps.
Oh and everyone loves Grandma Andreasen because she sent a huge box of cookies and I couldn’t possibly eat them by myself so I shared and everyone loved them and so did I thank you grandma love you!
So I don’t know what else you want to know I wish I could tell you more about what I’m learning but time is short and I am trying to get as much info in as possible.
Thank you for the towel I rushed to send that email in the last seconds I had because I thought you were going to order them as a set. Haha. I didn’t know if they would make it so I hurried sorry if it was commanding. I love you! Thank you for the towel I appreciate it! I think I’m sending my pink one home because it is way heavy and takes up a lot of room. I will send you a letter that is in Tagalog before I leave or at least from Salt Lake or LA. I love you all so much! Ask everything you want to know before I leave in the next letter because I don’t know how long it will be before I write you an email. I can write one more next Monday so just let me know everything before than! I love you!
Sister Bethany Andreasen!