Last weeks letter was short sorry about that but the FHE was great! We had I think 5 investigators there! We have many investigators with a baptismal date and I'm so happy. We have also been able to talk more to the parents of
Julie Fe and I am pretty sure that her baptism will go through for March 6! Yeah!!!! I love her so much she is a sweetheart and loves the gospel even if her friends think she is weird for it! She knows it is true and wants to do what is right! Yeah for strong youth!
(Oh I downloaded more pictures I already have some with me and Julie Fe but so you can know who she is she is next to the ones with me and the joy toilet paper.) Side note about the joy toilet paper I thought it was pretty funny that the name was joy because people think there isn’t any here! But there is and it is a joy!
Then the Revadulla family, it will be Sister Cora and her son Reymart! They are really ready and excited to learn more. It is hard for Reymart because he hasn’t had much school and just started going back but he is going to gospel principles class every week and I think it is really helping him to understand more fully!
They will progress well. The father is their fellowshiper but he is in Manila right now. However they are still reading praying and going to church yes! So they will be baptized on the 6th as well. We have Sister Suarez who is really ready she loves the gospel and shares everything she knows with her husband who also wants to learn, it is just harder to teach him because of his work. So first it will be Sister Suarez and her daughter Bernadette. She has an older son but he is so shy he won’t even look at us or shake our hand but I think deep down he really likes us so we are hoping that he and the dad will follow shortly after :) so they will be baptized on the 6th too!
(Oh I downloaded more pictures I already have some with me and Julie Fe but so you can know who she is she is next to the ones with me and the joy toilet paper.) Side note about the joy toilet paper I thought it was pretty funny that the name was joy because people think there isn’t any here! But there is and it is a joy!
Then the Revadulla family, it will be Sister Cora and her son Reymart! They are really ready and excited to learn more. It is hard for Reymart because he hasn’t had much school and just started going back but he is going to gospel principles class every week and I think it is really helping him to understand more fully!
They will progress well. The father is their fellowshiper but he is in Manila right now. However they are still reading praying and going to church yes! So they will be baptized on the 6th as well. We have Sister Suarez who is really ready she loves the gospel and shares everything she knows with her husband who also wants to learn, it is just harder to teach him because of his work. So first it will be Sister Suarez and her daughter Bernadette. She has an older son but he is so shy he won’t even look at us or shake our hand but I think deep down he really likes us so we are hoping that he and the dad will follow shortly after :) so they will be baptized on the 6th too!
We were suppose to have the baptism of the Jayme family but they haven’t been coming to church and haven’t been home for appointments! I'm so sad! They were so strong! I know that one day they will come unto the fold of Christ through baptism even if it isn’t right now. We just keep trying and keep loving them! I have pictures in there of our last appointment when the youngest girl Kim decided I needed a make over and put baby powder all over my face and tried to brush my hair! We are really close haha. They are a great family and still so kind and I know that at least Jovelyn knows it is true! So one day she will be baptized I know it!
Then we have the baptism of Andrew and Maryann! I love them they are two little kids siblings and they are a referral of a less active family who is active now! They give us so much help with missionary work that is were we had the FHE last week. We are going back this week and I am going to take a picture with the family for you! And Andrew and Maryann. We also get to teach the children of the woman we contacted in that area. The have baptismal goal dates so that is great we just need to be able to teach the parents too. They just haven’t been home because they had family visiting in a different area and have been gone. Sister Susan Daloro was progressing but now she hasn’t been reading and when we taught her about the Sabbath day she didn’t like the fact that we need to go to church every Sunday. So we are going to talk about faith next lesson because she understands faith more as believing and it is more than that. She is great so I hope this will help her! We have families that we are trying to reactivate as a branch and I think it is 7 out of 10 who have had at least one member of the family attend church! It is so great! The Pakil Branch is so strong and it just proves that the members are the true missionaries! Most all of the people with baptismal dates are referrals! Yes! Help the missionaries! Blessings will come I promise! So I am excited for these next three weeks why do I say three? Because I feel as though I am going to be transferred :( I will be so sad to leave the Pakil area but I know that it is just the Lord who has a plan for me and the people here in the San Pablo Mission! We just keep working hard and whatever change comes, the work just keeps moving forward! I love reading the scriptures each day! I always get new insights and it helps me through the day. I know the Lord is willing to help us in are every day challenges no matter how simple. I know that the scriptures are the guide to know what we should do.
I went to church this last Sunday and I was shocked when they asked me at the last minute to speak so me and Elder French had to speak, for Elder French it isn’t as stressful because he is really good in the language but I was really worried! So I just sat down and said a prayer! Then I looked for a scripture and I talked about prayer and knowing that the gospel is true through prayer and the spirit. I don’t know if it helped anyone but I know the Lord helped me. As I thought about the lesson that we need to give to Sister Susan I realized how important it is for us to go forth in faith meaning to act. I was so scared to act and give a talk but I know that if I trust in the Lord and do his will he will give me help and provide a way. I still struggle in Tagalog and I'm working really hard to improve. But even as I struggle with the language I know that each time I trust in the Lord and fear not! the Lord provides a way! He helps me to teach and to let the investigators know what they need to grow in the gospel of Jesus Christ!
We had 11 investigators at church on Sunday I was so happy! I know that the Lord is blessing the work and he is always lifting us up if we just reach out for his hand like that picture of the two children and Christ. I love it, it is so true! Well another FHE! So I will write next week!
Love, Sister Andreasen!!!!
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